Digital Education

Digital Education at ATU Donegal is housed within the Blackboard Learn virtual learning environment. This forms the basis for delivery of digital course content, at the Institution, and is supported by a range of tools and platforms that provide enhanced opportunity for student learning.

Core supported platforms include: 

Panopto is a audio/video streaming platform that provides basic editing functionality. Staff are able to create content directly inside of Panopto and that content, when actviated, can become searchable inside of a Blackboard module. Panopto also offers free access to their screen recorder to allow staff to record content direclty from their browser

Additional tools inside Panopto include powerful accessibility features, including subtitling, to help students navigate their audio/visual content. Links and pause points can be interspersed throughout created content to allow visits to websites or quizzes to take place. If you're keen to learn more about Panopto, as a member of staff, please see the 'ATU Donegal Digital Toolkit' section of this site, or contact the FOL Unit directly to arrange a bespoke session