Starting your studies in Letterkenny is a very important step in your life. For some it may mean leaving home, friends and familiar surroundings for the first time. While it is exciting and you look forward to making new friends and becoming that little bit more independent, for some, starting in college and getting used to a new way of life proves to be a difficult and even lonely time.
The Chaplain is available and only too willing to help in whatever way he can.
Listening Service
The Chaplains’ priority is to treat students with respect and dignity in all situations within and beyond the Institute. The Chaplains are available to listen to students concerns and to offer advice or to refer to other specialist services where appropriate. Students are most welcome to drop by and chat in a friendly and informal manner.
Many students at ATU Donegal study here from abroad and are unsure where their own particular faith meets in the area, in particular those from a non-Christian background. Chaplaincy is a good place to start in finding a way to reconnect here in Letterkenny. Many students at ATU Donegal study here from abroad and are unsure where their own particular faith meets in the area, in particular those from a non-Christian background. Chaplaincy is a good place to start in finding a way to reconnect here in Letterkenny.
Colmcille Oratory
Daily Mass is celebrated in the Colmcille Oratory at 10.30 am. Scripture Reflection and prayer takes place most Thursdays at 1pm. The Colmcille Oratory is situated immediately behind the Students' Union shop. Times for Mass, services and other events will be posted beside the Colmcille Oratory and on notice-boards.
The Colmcille Oratory is open to everyone. It is a place of prayer, a place of refuge, a place of silence amidst the noise and bustle of college life. It is open to all members of the college community to “come aside and rest awhile”.
The Chaplain’s office is located in An Dánlann in the Student Services Suite and is available throughout the academic year; the other chaplains are available by appointment.
Fr Liam Boyle
College Chaplain
074 918 6830