The Academic Council in the Institute is made up of academic managers and members elected by staff.
It has a statutory role -
- To assist the Governing Body in the planning, co-ordination, development and overseeing of the educational work of the college
- To protect, maintain and develop the academic standards of the courses and the activities of the college.
The Academic Council’s agenda is structured to accommodate this dual role and also to allow views on academic issues to be communicated to the Governing Body. It operates in accordance with agreed Standing Orders. The President shall be Chairperson of the Council and shall chair all meetings when present. The VP for Academic Affairs and Registrar of the Institute shall be Secretary to the Council. The elected membership from academic staff is 50% male and 50% female. The Council has established the following Committees to help it in its work:
- Academic Standards Committee
- Planning Committee
- Programmes Committee
- Research Committee
- Learning, Teaching and Student Engagement Committee.