Fitness and Recreation
ATU Donegal Sport Centre recreation is open to students, staff and the general public. For customised exercise, personal training is offered, at times to suit, to help meet individual goals. In addition, our Active Campus programme offers weekly recreational taster sessions of various activities, including some classes, for all (see top of page). All are welcome.
Book here for personal training packages.
To book any service or facility, please email
with a general enquiry or submit the Booking form
Attendees are required to complete a health screening form once per term, or if any changes should occur in your health status, in advance of attendance at any class. Screening form.
How will I know what’s on?
Personal Training is ongoing and can be booked at any time via email or at An Dánlann reception. The schedule of activity is posted on all our social media platforms and emailed regularly to all students and staff. Check out our Home Workouts on this website (see the Quicklink ‘Home Workouts’ to the left).