Letterkenny Campus

Certificate (Level 6)

Certificate in Personal Fitness

1 Year  /    Level 6  /    Part-time

Is this course for me?

Would you like a career working as a personal fitness instructor? Then this is the course for you. It is a REPS accredited, Level 6 qualification. You will be equipped with all the tools required to be a successful personal trainer. This course is delivered online with block delivery, and the schedule is designed with a mature learner in mind.

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There was an error retrieving the course modules.
Loading modules...
Semester Title Elective option Credits Contract hours
{{ yearGroup.modules[$index - 1].semester != m.semester ? m.semester : '' }} {{ m.title }} {{ vm.electiveOption(m.electiveOption) }} {{ m.credits }} {{ m.contractHours }} Details
Description: {{ m.description }}
Banner Code: {{ m.bannerCode }}
Assessment: {{ m.assessment }}

Certain semesters of this course are taken in common with other courses.

Professional Recognition

REPS Ireland

Follow-on Courses

Follow up programmes elsewhere include:

Key Information

Apply Now

Applicants with other qualifications and with relevant work experience may also be considered through ATU' Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) process

For further information on course delivery and study hours for flexible learning courses at ATU, click here


EU Fees: €3,150.

For further information click here

Non-EU Fees: €3,000 - Fees may be subject to change for 2024/25 academic year

Further Information

Department Administration: +353 (0)74 9186613 / +353 (0)74 9186612

Head of Department Nicola Dunnion
Email: nicola.dunnion@atu.ie
Telephone: +353 (0)74 918 6645

School and Department
Faculty of Business
Department of Tourism & Sport