Letterkenny Campus

Master of Science

Artificial Intelligence Research

1 year & 2 Years  /    Level 9  /    Full-time & Part-time

Is this course for me?

In recent years there have been three key developments that have helped Artificial Intelligence to become a real-world technology with practical applications. These are cheap and faster storage and processing power, better big data analytics tools and better machine learning algorithms. These developments mean we can now teach the machines instead of programming them.

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There was an error retrieving the course modules.
Loading modules...
Semester Title Elective option Credits Contract hours
{{ yearGroup.modules[$index - 1].semester != m.semester ? m.semester : '' }} {{ m.title }} {{ vm.electiveOption(m.electiveOption) }} {{ m.credits }} {{ m.contractHours }} Details
Description: {{ m.description }}
Banner Code: {{ m.bannerCode }}
Assessment: {{ m.assessment }}

Certain semesters of this course are taken in common with other courses.

Follow-on Courses

Follow up programmes elsewhere include:

  • Level 10 studies (Doctoral) at Letterkenny Institute of Technology or other institutions and universities at home and abroad.

Key Information

Non Eu students will apply via https://noneuapply.atudonegal.ie/
There is a €20 application fee that all non eu students need to pay in order to submit their application .


EU Fees: €5,750
Non-EU Fees: €12,000, discounts apply

Further Information

Department Administration: +353 (0)74 9186351

Head of Department Jade Lyons
Email: computing.donegal@atu.ie
Telephone: +353 (0)74 9186304

School and Department
Faculty of Engineering & Technology
Department of Computing