Letterkenny Campus

Higher Diploma in Science (Level 8)

Counselling Studies

1.5 Years  /    Level 8  /    Part-time

Is this course for me?

There are many teachers, particularly career guidance counsellors, HSE staff and allied healthcare staff who, as part of their job, require counselling skills. This course provides a pathway for such professionals who would like to pursue counselling as a secondary career choice.

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Loading modules...
Semester Title Elective option Credits Contract hours
{{ yearGroup.modules[$index - 1].semester != m.semester ? m.semester : '' }} {{ m.title }} {{ vm.electiveOption(m.electiveOption) }} {{ m.credits }} {{ m.contractHours }} Details
Description: {{ m.description }}
Banner Code: {{ m.bannerCode }}
Assessment: {{ m.assessment }}

Certain semesters of this course are taken in common with other courses.

Professional Recognition

Higher Diploma, Level 8 (QQI)
Do not provide counselling accreditation but graduates of this programme can continue to develop a career in counselling or psychotherapy.

Follow-on Courses

Follow up programmes elsewhere include:

  • Postgraduate Counselling courses that may lead to a professional qualification in Counselling.

Further Information

Department Administration: +353 (0)74 9186309 / +353(0)74 9186310

Head of Department Dr Nigel McKelvey
Email: EESS.Donegal@atu.ie

School and Department
Faculty of Science & Health
Department of Early Education & Social Studies