Welcome to the Online Registration section.
In advance of commencing online registration, you may wish to review general information on registration. Also, before you start the online registration process, you may wish to view the various steps involved - click here.
Please note for a student to fully complete their registration they must validate and confirm each action item on their online registration in order. Failure to confirm or complete the process in full will impact your registration status.
Helpful Resources
New ATU Donegal Students.
New ATU Donegal students are required to register online and upload their photo for use on their student card. Click on the links below, step 1 & 2, to begin the process
Step 1. Register your Account for Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), Click here to begin the MFA registration process. You will require a mobile device. Click here for a user guide or click here for a step-by-step video on how to register for MFA. Your username will be studentID@atu.ie and password will be password found in your offer letter.
Password: You can change your password any time
here; your new password must be a minimum of 12 characters long.
Step 2. After successfully registering for MFA (step 1), next step, Programme registration: Click here to login and register for your programme
Student cards will be available during stage 2 of registration on-campus as your registration information issued via email. Part-time and online student’ cards are issued on request. A student card can be requested by emailing admissions.donegal@atu.ie
The photo specification should be in-line passport photo requirements as specified in the link here
NOTE: It is advisable to have your JPEG File of your photograph (max size 1.7mb) ready before you start your registration.
ATU Student Photo Resize Guide
Existing ATU Donegal Students
Existing ATU Donegal students are required to register online. If your student card has expired, you should call to the Admissions Office from Monday 17 October to request a new card.
Click here to register for the new academic year. Remember your username will be: studentID@atu.ie and your password will be your previous password.